An overblown smile - but not fake

An overblown smile - but not fake

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Gospel - Plain and Simple

For as much as we think we know or understand something, sometimes it’s a good idea to re-examine our claims and take a refresher course. Most airline pilots are required to go back into the simulator once every few years for retraining. A dedicated IT person will always look to increase his or her knowledge concerning the inner workings of the computer world. A dedicated theologian will make the time to continue his studies in order to teach others from the Bible or even to defend the faith in apologetics. Truth is, no matter what the area of expertise we live in, the better we need to become in that area in order to strive for perfection. Of course, this is not to say that any human being will ever be perfect in what they do best – even the best make mistakes. What it does mean is that we should strive to better ourselves at all times in what we do best already. One thing I learned recently from a leadership course that I took in our church: We need to develop those God-given skills that we do have - and not concentrate on the ones that we don’t have. That philosophy (thank you, Dr Jimmy Knott) has helped me tremendously in these past six or seven months concerning the skills and talents that I do have. I no longer worry about the things that I’m not good at – knowing that the Lord distributes gifts to everyone and not everyone has the same ones. With all that said, please allow me to flex that exhortation muscle that the Lord has given me as a Christian. I will keep this very simple – even though I know the majority of my reading audience is very intelligent and can probably handle much more than a simple message like this. So if you are a born again Christian already who has been saved by the blood of the Lamb, bear with this and take it as a glorious reminder (or refresher) of the faith that we share – and of the eternity in heaven that has been promised to us. If you find yourself on the other side of the fence and somehow by the grace of God are reading this, my biggest prayer is that the Holy Spirit would soften your heart and allow you to be receptive of the truth, grace and love of almighty God.
Shortly after the Lord God created mankind, we sinned against Him and broke the open fellowship that we once had in the Garden of Eden (Genesis chapter 3). This was that all-important point in human history where God did three things: Cursed man, cursed the devil (the serpent), and promised salvation from the curse of sin. As time began to roll on in history, God revealed Himself to us through His prophets and through His written and spoken Law. All of these Laws were simply a precursor to what was to come: Salvation through a Savior – the Messiah – the One who would re-bridge the gap between God and man. Two thousand years ago, He arrived in the form of a new born baby. He came to this earth just as the Scriptures said He would: By way of a virgin – and miraculously through the Holy Spirit – without the need for any intercourse. He lived a perfect, sinless life – as He was all God and yet, all man at the same time. At the age of 30, His ministry officially began at His baptism (Matthew chapter 3). His mission was simple: Preach the gospel (the good news) to the Jews first – God’s chosen people. What was this good news? God had now provided a means of escape from His wrath against sinful man by sending Himself (Jesus) to die for our sins exactly as God said He would in the Scriptures. According to God’s own Word, without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins (Hebrews 9:21-23) – and that ultimate sacrifice had to be perfect and without blemish – and Jesus Christ was just that for us.  
This however, is the best news of all: Once Christ died for us and paid the price for sins, He didn’t stay dead – He is risen! He now sits at the right hand of God interceding on our behalf. Imagine that – the God of the universe interceding for you and me. Keep this great truth in mind as well: Jesus’ mission was to preach the gospel to the Jews first (Romans chapter 1). The majority rejected Him and the gospel – and now it (the good news of salvation) is available to all people everywhere (Gentiles as well) – and this is the simple yet, glorious message for you: You too can be saved from God’s impending judgment upon all mankind. There is one simple step you must take: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation (grace) and you WILL be saved, period. There is a day coming when the Lord will judge the creation – and all those who reject this message of love and hope will not be spared from His wrath. You MUST believe in the Lord Jesus Christ in order to be saved. There is no other way to heaven (Acts 4:12) There are absolutes in this world and there is a moral standard given to us by our Creator, God – and here is the most important absolute of all: The truth is the truth whether we believe it or not. You can’t create your own truth to suit your needs or to mold God into something more comfortable or fluffy for your own liking. God never changes and neither does His Word. I say these things to you in the name of Jesus Christ and with His love. I urge you to repent and turn to Him before it’s too late. I love you

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